Call Custom Stored Procedure via Catalina’s RESTful API for Dynamics SL

Catalina has had a way to call custom stored procedures from their SOAP based web services for Dynamics SL for years.  You can now do it using the RESTful API version.

Looking at the Swagger Documentation, you can now see a customSQL resource (If you don’t see this, contact Catalina Support to see about getting updated to the latest version of Catalina API for Dynamics SL)

Example using one of our procedures:


        "name": "ContactID", "value": "BJON"
        "name": "CustID", "value": "CT0100"
        "name": "Type", "value": "B"
    "checkSum": "3CB06C9A4A83BECCFC60684C271818EDEEAA5770" 

NOTE:  the checksum is a security feature that is turned on by default.  This allows the API to double check to make sure that you are who you say you are.  Use a SHA1 hash of the stored procedure name to generate the checksum.

The checksum requirement can be disabled in your DSLCONFIGFILE.xml  file.

You can generate the checksum using any SHA1 library, or you can use the library included in our service distribution: /ctDynamicsSL/bin/ctStandardLib.dll

var checksum = ctStandardLib.ctHelper.getHash(siteKey, storedProcedureName);

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