PH/Temp meter now in the garden
I finally put the sensor platform out in the garden. I am streaming it currently on io.adafruit here:
NOTE: I will be moving this stream next week to Azure. but for now, I am using MQTT to send data to adafruit’s solution.
You can see the box that I got. It is a bit overkill. I also got a “power stake” so that I can easily run power to both a pump and the sensor platform. The box is very very big. I imagine that I will get a smaller one for future versions that I will use in marine environments.
New materials:
- Weatherproof indoor/outdoor box to hold my sensor platform and power
- 1′ power cord extensions to make it easy to plug in “wall wort” for microcontroller power
- Power stake to split extension so that I can run pump and sensor platform
You can see it here in front of one of my tower structures.