Create a Contact Free Payment Solution for Dynamics SL (Mobile App)

This is a demo that shows you how to create a mobile app to interact with Dynamics SL to provide a “Contact Free” payment solution to help protect your employees and customers during COVID 19. The intended user of this example app would be a customer service rep, sales person, or field service rep who needs to collect payment from a customer (handy for collecting a deposit or down payment before delivery, installation, or service work to be done).

This demo uses Catalina’s API to search customers in SL and then lets the user to request a payment from a customer by generating a link and emailing it to the chosen customer. That customer then can click on the link and pay the amount which automatically creates a payment in SL’s AR.

NOTE: Source code for the mobile app can be found on Github here:

Check out the video of the demo on our Youtube channel here:

Below is a screenshot of the Android app from the above demo. First you can search for a customer by a keyword. That search will then bring back a list of results. You can then click on the customer you want to request funds for. The app will automatically fill in the email address of the customer (from the Customer record in Dynamics SL). You can change the email address if you want. You then enter a requested payment amount and hit submit. Once you do this, Catalina’s SLQuickCollect will send off an email to the customer with a link which will then allow them to make a PCI compliant secure payment. Once authorization occurs, SLQuickCollect will then create a payment in Dynamics SL automatically.

As mentioned below, if you want to have starter code on creating an Android App (with Visual Studio and Xamarin), you can check out an example on our Github here (NOTE: I would only consider this a starter. This is in no means something finished but enough to get you started)

EDI Integration with Dynamics SL Using Catalina

If you need EDI integration between your trading partners and Dynamics SL, you can use Catalina’s API for SL to get data in and out of Dynamics SL. One of the simplest of transactions is order management. If you have a trading partner that needs to send you PO’s so that you can then fulfill, the most common documents used are:

  • Inbound Documents
    • 850: This is a purchase order to fulfill
  • Outbound Documents
    • 855: An immediate response sent back to your trading partner acknowledging that you received the transaction
    • 997: An acknowledgement that you have received the transaction and often when you will pass back a reference number for your internal order number
    • 856: A shipper notification that notes what has shipped on the PO when a shipper is generated

The key to this is a data mapping layer that allows you to translate the inbound EDI documents and transform it into something that the Catalina API can understand. The reverse is true when data needs to be sent from SL out to your trading partner. The Catalina API will retrieve the data and then the translation will transform that data into an EDI document to send back to your customer.

If you have questions or need assistance with EDI integration with DynamicsSL, you can contact Catalina at [email protected]

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SL Quick Pay tips and tricks

How to Custom Call Stored Procedures with REST that have Customizable XML Parameters

Many of Catalina Technology’s stored procedures accept a field called @parms that is an XML field for configurable parameters to be passed. An example of this is below.

You can see that there is a parameter getting passed called “@parms”. In that is a XML string that contains one or more parameter. In this case, there is a single parameter called “ADDRID” and it is getting passed the value of “C%” so that it can return all addresses that start with a “C”

exec xct_spDSLGetAddresses @currentPageNumber=N'0',@pageSize=N'500',
    <key name="ADDRID" value="C%"/>

To call this RESTfully, you need to HTML escape the XML string so that things like double quotes (“) will not cause the JSON to break.

Below is an example of how we would call the custom stored procedure above, but call it through the Catalina RESTful API.

curl --location --request POST 'http://YOURSERVER/ctDynamicsSL/api/customSQL/xct_spDSLGetAddresses' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YOURAUTH' \
--header 'SiteID: YOURSITEID' \
--header 'CpnyID: YOURCPNYID' \
--data-raw '{ 
        "name": "currentPageNumber", "value": "0"
        "name": "pageSize", "value": "0"
        "name": "parms", "value": "<nameValuePairs><key name=\"ADDRID\" value=\"C%\"/></nameValuePairs>"