Quickly Create a Webhooks using Catalina’s Integrator Tool
So many times, as a programmer, I get a 3rd party solution that asks me to provide them a quick “webhook” so that they can post back data. Normally this requires me to write some type of web API to receive this data.
Catalina’s Integrator Toolkit allows you to quickly create webhooks with a custom endpoint path without having to do any programming.
I did a quick demo on this here
Basically, What we can do is create a custom endpoint and define the path that it will go to. The payload passed can then be pushed through a script and redirected to other API’s, databases, etc. without doing any major programming.
Plus, if you just need to get something up quick, all you have to do is create it in our toolkit and it will just pass back the original data that was posted to it. Great for quick testing of your callback functionality of whatever is calling the webhook.