Catalina’s SMS Central allows you to easily dispatch your field techs, salespeople, and others straight from your Dynamics SL without any special mobile apps. All using SMS messaging. Nothing to deploy, works on any phone, and easy to maintain.
Your people in the field can send updates as replies that will get automatically updated in your back office. They can even send pictures, GPS coordinates, and other attachments which will automatically be attached to the service call, quote, invoice, timecard, or any other screen in Dynamics SL.
1. Create a service call, quote, invoice, or any other type of record in Dynamics SL. SMS Central will send an SMS message to the appropriate person in the field.

2. Your person in the field receives the message and can respond. Those responses will automatically update Dynamics SL.
3. The field person can also take pictures, GPS coordinates, or other mobile files and attach them to the service call, quote, invoice, or other screen in Dynamics SL using just an SMS message.

4. That photo, or other attachment, automatically attaches to the appropriate record in Dynamics SL

5. All attachments and SMS communication are also stored in a web portal, allowing your field people to review history without needing any special app. Any browser on any type of device will work!

There are many times where someone out in the field doesn’t have access to a field service app. Or doesn’t need one. SMS is one of the easiest ways for relaying information.
Catalina Technology’s SMS Central now automates communication between systems like help desks, dispatch, CRM, service, and others by giving two-way communication between the technician or sales guy, in the field, and your back-office system.
This means that you can send dispatch SMS notifications and the person receiving those SMS messages can then respond to them by simply replying to the text message. SMS Central will update the back-office system based on the mobile user’s SMS reply. All without any special app.
1. Create a service call in your dispatch or other system
- Create a service call, sales opportunity, customer service case, etc. in your back-office system system like you always do.
- Assign it to one or more people.
- SMS Central will automatically pick this up, from your system, and send as an SMS Text Message to the assigned people.
2. SMS Central then automatically sends an SMS message, from your back-office system, to the assigned person
- Send to any phone with SMS (even including old flip phones).
- Can be done hands free with Siri, Cortana, or Google Assistant to do voice response of texts!
- Customize the messages that are sent out.
- Your field personnel can actually respond to the SMS message with customizable acceptable responses like “Yes”, “No”, “In route”, “can’t make it”, or any other response you want.
- If the person doesn’t respond to the message, SMS central has routing and escalation capability to send to others.
- Responses can even include pictures, files, video, GPS coordinates, or other attachments. SMS Central will save this for you.
3. SMS Replies are automatically routed back to your system!
- Your system is automatically updated based on the response that was sent back.
- Any additional replies to this SMS text thread will be logged as notes or history in your system.
- Attachments such as pictures, files, video, voice, and GPS coordinates will be stored and tied to the service call.

There are many times where someone out in the field doesn’t have access to a field service app. Or doesn’t need one. SMS is one of the easiest ways for relaying information.
Catalina Technology’s SMS Central now automates communication between systems like help desks, dispatch, CRM, service, and others by giving two-way communication between the technician or sales guy, in the field, and your back-office system.
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This means that you can send dispatch SMS notifications and the person receiving those SMS messages can then respond to them by simply replying to the text message. SMS Central will update the back-office system based on the mobile user’s SMS reply. All without any special app.
1. Create a service call in your dispatch or other system
- Create a service call, sales opportunity, customer service case, etc. in your back-office system system like you always do.
- Assign it to one or more people.
- SMS Central will automatically pick this up, from your system, and send as an SMS Text Message to the assigned people.
2. SMS Central then automatically sends an SMS message, from your back-office system, to the assigned person
- Send to any phone with SMS (even including old flip phones).
- Can be done hands free with Siri, Cortana, or Google Assistant to do voice response of texts!
- Customize the messages that are sent out.
- Your field personnel can actually respond to the SMS message with customizable acceptable responses like “Yes”, “No”, “In route”, “can’t make it”, or any other response you want.
- If the person doesn’t respond to the message, SMS central has routing and escalation capability to send to others.
- Responses can even include pictures, files, video, GPS coordinates, or other attachments. SMS Central will save this for you.
3. SMS Replies are automatically routed back to your system!
- Your system is automatically updated based on the response that was sent back.
- Any additional replies to this SMS text thread will be logged as notes or history in your system.
- Attachments such as pictures, files, video, voice, and GPS coordinates will be stored and tied to the service call.